Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This drawing depicts EJ's idea of preparing himself to become the artist that he wants to be in the future.


durano lawayan a.k.a. brad spit said...

Hi Pink,

I think there is a lot of improvement here. Notice the proportion of the the easel to himself (as an accomplished artist), the table with a cup, the sheep. These are all mental and visual measurements that are accurate in their detail.

Perhaps you could take him to a summer art school this April. I hope its not too costly. Some school where he could learn a few basics guided by a learned teacher and where he can interact with those of his age that have the same interest.

Take care of John, he's going to make you proud one day. --Durano, done!

garryblanson said...

...you are well ahead of others.
The sooner you get him to thinking
about his the future the more
likely he will find the future he
truly desires.

- garry b